
Lay Off

Well, it's here at last, I know I don't earn any cash while laid off, but man, a month free to breathe and catch up on sleep, visiting and more Japanese studies. And also to watch this visitor from Next door:

あっ! 猫がいますね。

Technically there aren't supposed to be any of these creatures in the building, but hey, as long as it doesn't come INTO our apartment, we don't mind. (we have friends and reletives so alergic to animal dander, that they wouldn't be able to come and visit us if there were ANY cat hair in our place)

Back to the layoff, time to sit back and think. Lots I want to do, and lots I want to NOT do. Still plodding along with Japanese. まだ日本語 を勉強しますが、言葉の勉強するのが大変ですよ。 今私は日本語を話すのがとても上手です。 Still losing weight, I haven't lost much more, but 2.5 pounds is still a drop. I hope to be below 300 by the end of July. ではまた。


Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord, it's lay off time!!!! We are so happy for you. You really need this. ENJOY!!

bullwinkle said...

Oh yeah!

Bet you're looking forward to a bit
of R&R when all the courseload is

You've both earned it.

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