
It's BaaacccK!

The heat that is, according to my monitoring tool, the Nanaimo Airport (about 35 minutes drive north of us) is sitting at 31 Degrees (Celsius). Ick, 私はとても熱い天気が大嫌いです! It's a good thing there's a beach or two real close by! じゃまた。


Anonymous said...

Please can we have one of your beaches? Pretty please? Our sewer ponds across the road don't count. It is hot here too and will be up to nearly +40 by the end of next week. How wonderful you are not travelling to work each day in the heat!

bullwinkle said...

Of course you can! The only stipulation of course is that have to use it here. ;-)

Ewwwww. Sewer pnods and 40+ degree weather,
my imagination runneth over! :-D

Anonymous said...

Okay, it was +33 here to-day and it is to be closer to +40 next week and or the week after that. I can't stand it!! Thank you Jesus it is our last summer here.

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