
As Promised

Here are the four newest circuit boards made via the toner transfer method described earlier. This method is good for quick one - off boards but useless for bulk manufacturing, or for boards larger than about 3x3 inches (about 7.5x7.5 cm for those of us trapped in the metric system). Photo etching is best for everything else.

Big Muff
Fuzz face
Wah Wah

All with buffers added
Next time, the finished microcontroller programmer and the beginnings of these boards with components added. 





Just had to share this, it is so true: The following is the 2007 winning entry from an annual contest at Texas A&M University calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term. This year's term: Political Correctness. "Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical, liberal minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
:D じゃまた


Well, the project I started previously:

Micro controller Programmer

Is basically complete and functional, just needing expansion boards now. The big hold up was gaining access to a functional programmer in order to program it (ironic - needing a programmer to make a programmer work :))

Later this week I will make photos of the next bevy of projects, all to do with music.



Been a While

Well, my last post was a while ago (what else is new? :) ) So I have been doing some electronics and in the next week or so will post some shots of the boards and semi - completed projects. (All of the projects I am working on right now will combine into one big project, so a bunch of sub assemblies need to be completed before I can show off the final project)

Stay tuned.


I am well known for being a despiser of all things Microsoft and Apple, therefore I need an alternative. My chosen alternative is Linux. At the moment I use the Ubuntu release. It works well and is fairly easy to manage. As a part of this I use OpenOffice, which works really well. B*U*T there are some things which are seriously in need of fixing:
  • Word count is broken
  • Select, cut and paste is flaky
What do I mean by word count is broken? It counts all words in a document, even the footnotes. When you do a university paper most profs won't let you include the footnotes in the number of words your document contains. Footnotes can add 1000 or more words to a document. And select and count doesn't work properly either. If I want a more-or-less accurate word count, I still have to use M$ Word to do it. Now cut and paste is flaky in that when using the mouse you select a block of text, the right click to select often the block you just selected will de-select itself, then you have to re-select it. This is no big deal, if you just remember to use the keyboard shortcut ctl-c/x depending on whether you want to copy or cut. If the good folks working on OO would fix these two hiccups I would be very happy indeed.

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