
Star Trek - To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before (?)

In the Mid 1960s, a stately television series did Roddenberry decree.


And at first glance, the universe of Star Trek seems to be utterly fantastic, there's  peace, love, security of the person, everyone has something to do. Everyone has rejected wealth in favor of bettering themselves and the universe. There is a huge fleet of scientific research space craft which double as warships. We've learned to "travel faster than light" and have made friends all over this portion of the galaxy. But there is a dark side to both Star Fleet, and the United Federation of Planets. A dark side many refuse to see, and which many fans would jump all over me for saying. But I'm going to say it anyway.

Money is gone (or is it?)

Christianity is a footnote in history.

There is only one government on Earth.

There is only one government for the UFP

What will the future TRULY be like? I don't think it's what Gene Roddenberry tried to convince us it would be like.


The Bidens - Obvious Elder Abuse.

In my opinion, what we are seeing, what we have been seeing for four years, is some form of Elder Abuse. It became much more obvious from the debate going forward. It's obvious (in my opinion, anyway) what we are seeing is a man suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's disease. He looks like a man who really has no clue where he is. I have despised Biden's politics and attitudes for years, but would not wish this on anyone, not even an enemy. Who is the puppet master here? Who is pulling the strings?


Watch my latest video and see if you agree.



C. S . Lewis On The Sciences - That Hideous Strength


“The physical sciences, good and innocent
in themselves, had already... begun to be
warped, had been subtly manoeuvred in a
certain direction. Despair of objective truth
had been increasingly insinuated into the
scientists; indifference to it, and a
concentration upon mere power, had been
the result… The very experiences of the
dissecting room and the pathological
laboratory were breeding a conviction that
the stifling of all deep-set repugnances was
the first essential for progress.”

― C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength


That Hideous Strength - C. S. Lewis - The Space Trilogy - Part III

 That Hideous Strength - By C. S. Lewis - The final entry in The Space Trilogy, and the darkest of the three. Lewis weaves quite a tale in these three books, especially the third. Throughout, he mixes in his Christian beliefs, but he also weaves in a healthy helping of fairy tale for good measure. We even get to see a hint at the coming World Economic Forum, the W.E.F. and the evil behind it.


The Obvious - Owen Barfield

 Sometimes it is totally impossible to point out the Obvious to people, there were

many examples of this over the last few years especially, COVID tyranny being one

of them, people refused to admit they were being controlled.

"The obvious is the hardest thing of all to point out to anyone who has

genuinely lost sight of it."

    Owen Barfield


Humility - C. S. Lewis

 We often make the mistake of assuming humility is thinking less of ourselves.

To the point of thinking we are humble, when we are, in fact, narcissistic.

Lewis has it right here.


Wheels Of Injustice

 “We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims

beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke

into the wheel itself.” 

We face in this world today, many wheels of injustice -

Driven by a media no longer influenced by objectivity, but

by ideology, urged on by governments driven by ideologues

backed by some of the richest men in the world.

The little man suffers, and if the new petty fiefs have their

way, will continue to be surfs, owned and not their own man.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer 



Arduino Controlling a Small DC Motor

So I received a question some time ago (sorry to whomever posted it):

What pin do I hook up a motor to?

The short answer: you don't, not directly.


A direct current, or DC, motor is the most common type of motor. DC motors 

normally have just two leads, one positive and one negative. If you connect these

two leads directly to a battery, the motor will rotate. If you switch the leads, the

motor will rotate in the opposite direction.


The Arduino can only provide 40mA at 5V on its digital pins. Most motors require

 more current and/or voltage to operate. A transistor can act as a digital switch,

enabling the Arduino to control loads with higher electrical requirements. The 

transistor in this example completes the motor's circuit to ground. Arduinos are

great to direct drive an led or two, but a DC motor will draw too much current, and

will probably fry the Arduino. Here is the circuit to drive the motor:

(In this case, the transistor I'm using is a P2N2222AG, not much different

from a standard 2N2222 - it's what I had within reach when I made the video.)

Now, if you watch the

video,  you will see that

this circuit differs from

the one I show in the video,

in that there is an extra 330

Ohm resistor in parallel to

the 10 K Ohm resistor, this

is because the 10 K resistor

was too high a value, the

voltage to turn on the transistor

was dropped too much, and the transistor would not turn on. With the

330 Ohm and 10K ohm in parallel, the circuit works just fine.


Here is the breadboard layout created in Fritzing:








Here is the video:

Here is the Sketch:

int motorPin = 9; // DC motor is  connected to this pin

void setup() {
  pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

/* MotorOnTheOff turns the motor on, then off          */
/* Code is more-or-less the same as turning an LED     */
/* on and off                                          */

void motorOnThenOff(){
  int onTime = 1000;    // How long does it run?
  int offTime = 2000;   // Turn it off
  digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH);   // This command turns the motor on
  delay(onTime);                  // run for this many milliseconds
  digitalWrite(motorPin, LOW);    // We're done? Turn motor off
  delay(offTime);                 // Wait for offtime to complete

Have fun!


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