
4:1 Balun Progress

Well, the balun is assembled, and tested with an antenna, though I haven't tried to load it up (yet) - I am itching to try loading the antenna with the transmitter. Receive works far better than the long(ish) wire I was using. Noise level has gone from a steady s7 - s9 to a respectable  s1 - s2.

Be interesting to see how well it loads up with the transmitter.

End cap just sitting in place, so I can solder
leads to the so239 connector

Both end caps stuck on with silicone bath calk.
This stuff dries hard and clear.

I'll load it up only when this stuff dries.

Don't want any sparks!

The masking tape is only there to hold the caps in
place until the calk dries.


4:1 Balun - Continued

So, here is the 4:1 balun as it stands. (Gad I take forever to complete projects sometimes, don't I?) The balun is made up from 1.5" PVC (which is 1.5" INSIDE diameter) 3 end caps (you can see two are stacked flat face to flat face, with an so239 connector inside. The one cap has its flange facing down, forming a drip edge to help protect against water, and faces down. The other end (top) has two notches to allow the screws and wingnuts to stick out.


Another project

A 4:1 Balun for my balcony antenna, I'll show pics of it when it's complete.
This is air-wound over a piece of 1.75 inch black plastic pipe.
The pipe is 5" long, but the coil itself only occupies 3" of space on the pipe.

The schematic is fairly simple:

This is how far along I am:

I'll provide more photos once the connectors are all in place.


Wep 858D

Well, that didn't go so well. :/

My 858D is history. I went to use it (before having the chance
to modify it, I might add) to shrink some heat shrink tubing, and the wand
decided to catch fire!

Oh well, after pulling the plug and tossing the want in a bucket of
water, it's now in the dumpster...


It's Not Rocket Science!

I have seen some complaints about various Open Source, GPL and BSD projects...

Most of these complaints tend to consist of something along the lines of: we made changes to
our install of (xyz project) an update came down the pipe, and it broke our install
and we had re-do all of our changes.

The answer to this is simple, but seems to make many folks choke: share your changes
with the folks writing whatever project you are using. Why share? Because your changes may
just make it into the project, especially if it is a "make sense" sort of change.

But herein lies the issue: "but it's MY code! I don't wanna share it! Intellectual property."

Come - on folks! This isn't rocket science! Someone created this project and shared it freely,
normally at no cost, time to give back to those who so freely shared with you! If you have
no intention of helping the project(s) you are using, maybe you should move on to
a commercial product, and all the inherent issues that come with it. Want changes to that
commercial product? Sure, they'll be happy to, once you fork out BIG BUCKS to get
it down. Want to see the source code? Forget it!

Good luck!


It's Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, the day our Savior chose to die for us.

Beaten, spat upon and mocked.

So badly beaten his friends could barely recognize Him.
(Isaiah 52:14)
Flayed with a whip called a Flagrum or a scourge.

Leather thongs with bits of metal woven into the ends.
The Romans also called this a Scorpio, from the word
scorpion. It was a whip with a bite.

It was not unheard of for the Crucifixion victim to die
from the effects of the flagrum and never make it to the cross.

Imagine that, not only the Crucifixion, but first the scourging,
after the scourging, Jesus had to carry His own cross,
packing it on his already ripped up back...

Then, once on the cross, the effect of the scourging
would again come into play. Struggling for air due
to the position the victim was hung in, they would push
themselves up with their legs to pull in air, only to
have the rough wooden cross tear at their already
raw backs, and the nails in the hands and feet
would cause them excruciating pain as well, forcing
them to drop and exhale. Starting the cycle all
over again. Hour, after hour, after hour.

The word excruciating, as in excruciating pain, is
though to come from the word crucifixion, that
gives you some idea of what the Romans thought of
the process, so evil they thought it, even though
they often used it, it was illegal to crucify a Roman
citizen, except under the most extreme of

Think about it, Jesus knew this was the process
but went through with it anyway...

For the sake of His and His Father's creation.

Think about it.


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
 Felicem Annum Novum (tibi exopto)!

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