
Why Catwalker?

Good question, Catwalker is a character I voiced in a stage production we did (Once upon a time) called "The John Doe Show". This show was performed primarily for Christian Youth, thought others were certainly welcome. And since Bullwinkle (My common nickname - because I sound like a bull moose when I blow my nose) was already taken, I chose Catwalker. (Catwalker was heard, but never seen, he was usually hanging in a make - shift hammock under the catwalk of the theatre), walker, as he was known, was a heckler, usually berating the other performers, swiping food and giving gratuitous belches during the show. And he had one of the most noxious voices I think I have ever produced. But I think because of my rather warped sense of humour, and Walker's disfunctionality he has a particular softspot among my characters. I also plan on chronicling my experiences in learning the Japanese language. Occasional photos may make it here as well. 日本語を習うのがとても難しいですが、楽しいですよ。 Until my next post... では、また。


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