
Weird Day

Have you ever had that feeling like you are playing a part in the original Twilight Zone? I have that feeling today. While my immediate superior/ co-worker is away, I am working half days in order to be at work at least a part of each of Monday to Friday. Being home at 12:20 on a Tuesday afternoon is a bizarre feeling. I keep expecting the phone to ring with the voice on the other end saying, "And just where are you?" Add to that the phone hardly rang in the office at all today, and almost no email other than spam and mailing list stuff, and it really begins to feel strange. On the plus side, there are no classes right now (I work in a College, and my office is off of a computer lab) so I can play my Japanese language CD's while I toil away. 日本語が上手になりたいですが、 私はもっと日本語で考えなくちゃ いけません。 Right now, it is about 26 degrees Celsius, thank goodness for airconditioning! Summer is here.....


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