

Anyone familiar with the Can-8 language lab software? I have used it fairly extensively but am not familiar with the traffic levels it generates. I need to know this in order to assess some possible network issues if we use it.

Bad Memories

Man will I be glad when floppies are nothing more than a bad memory! Has anyone noticed how there seem to be more boxes with bad disks in them? I had a critical one go bad today, fortunately I had a replacement. ;-) 今日はもっと涼しい天気でした。 私はうれしいでしたよ。涼しい天気が好きです。 だれかCowon I audio X5がありますか。どうですか。 じゃ、また。

Relief From The Heat

Ah, rain, beautiful rain! Some relief from the onrushing summer heat which is fast approaching like an express freight train. Sure it had only reached 28 degrees Celsius, but I consider 25 to be too hot. The temporary reprieve yesterday and today is great. But I am hoping it clears up overnight, at least no rain in the morning, since I have been walking to work in the mornings lately. Hoping to lose at minimum 70 more pounds by next July 1st. I can't picture being in Tokyo next summer with all this extra weight. (Did I mention my plans for a stay in Tokyo next summer? No? Well now you know - we plan on a trip to Japan next summer to visit friends - and maybe for me to take an advanced Japanese language course at ICU). ビクトリア日は楽しいを!

Show of hands

Anyone read the Davinci Code? Who believes the so called "History" of the book? Anyone actually look into the historical claims to see how accurate they are? Check this blog out: Davinci To learn more. I don't know who this is, but whoever is doing what most don't; check the background information out to see just how Historically accurate it is. Warm day again today, supposed to get cool, possibly wet over the week end. 日曜日は雨が降るでしょう。 では、また。

Cooler Day

いい天気ですね。 It's a nice day today, thankfully about 6 degrees cooler. I have been continuing to plug away at my Japanese studies, thankfully, 私の日本語の先生はいい先生ですよ。先生はたくさん 隠忍がありますよ。 Last night I went over my Kanji flash cards, I have a ways to go yet to learn what I need to (I currently understand about 300 kanji, but there are about 1900+ in order to be able to read an advanced book or a newspaper.) And I occasionally yak with friends on Skype (Any native Japanese speakers interested in a little simplified conversation? :-) Im me on my Yahoo im account shown in my profile.) L8r

Weird Day

Have you ever had that feeling like you are playing a part in the original Twilight Zone? I have that feeling today. While my immediate superior/ co-worker is away, I am working half days in order to be at work at least a part of each of Monday to Friday. Being home at 12:20 on a Tuesday afternoon is a bizarre feeling. I keep expecting the phone to ring with the voice on the other end saying, "And just where are you?" Add to that the phone hardly rang in the office at all today, and almost no email other than spam and mailing list stuff, and it really begins to feel strange. On the plus side, there are no classes right now (I work in a College, and my office is off of a computer lab) so I can play my Japanese language CD's while I toil away. 日本語が上手になりたいですが、 私はもっと日本語で考えなくちゃ いけません。 Right now, it is about 26 degrees Celsius, thank goodness for airconditioning! Summer is here.....

Why Catwalker?

Good question, Catwalker is a character I voiced in a stage production we did (Once upon a time) called "The John Doe Show". This show was performed primarily for Christian Youth, thought others were certainly welcome. And since Bullwinkle (My common nickname - because I sound like a bull moose when I blow my nose) was already taken, I chose Catwalker. (Catwalker was heard, but never seen, he was usually hanging in a make - shift hammock under the catwalk of the theatre), walker, as he was known, was a heckler, usually berating the other performers, swiping food and giving gratuitous belches during the show. And he had one of the most noxious voices I think I have ever produced. But I think because of my rather warped sense of humour, and Walker's disfunctionality he has a particular softspot among my characters. I also plan on chronicling my experiences in learning the Japanese language. Occasional photos may make it here as well. 日本語を習うのがとても難しいですが、楽しいですよ。 Until my next post... では、また。

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