
And Now For Something Completely Different (Again)

More lawn care. :)
This is pretty much the same
spot as the previous post, but
using a different camera and a
different lens - looks cleaner, yes?
A bit more of the tall grass is

Same area but from the other
end. Definitely looking cleaner.
Haven't done as much in this
area as I would like because of

This is the area of yard which
dwells on the other side of all
that tall grass and vines on the
one side of the other photos.

It needs a lot of work.


I suspect the yard will take the majority
of the summer (two hours, once per week) to
complete. We cut the main lawn first, then I work
on the forest back here.

I also need to take a pick, hoe and garden rake to some
spots in the back, they resemble the surface of the moon
or Mars - and running the lawn mower over them
is difficult if not impossible. There are also post
holes where posts and poles have been removed
or rotted away and are ripe for stepping in and breaking
an ankle....



Susan said...

And you DON'T want to be breaking an ankle.........trust me....I know!!!!!

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CatWalker at 29