Well, More Troubles
My other project, an SWR scanner, is built and working, well, sort of. There's an issue where it gives pretty much the exact same reading no matter the antenna hooked up to it. A dummy load should give a nearly flat response across the band, but it doesn't, same thing with a 50 Ohm termination, it's giving some mighty odd readings, so stay tuned for more troubleshooting.
Video of breadboarding.
Well, the Stockton bridge and the Arduino work, but now, it's troubleshooting time. :/
The numbers coming out make no sense...
The SWR into a 50 Ohm dummy load is 1.0, which is as it should be, but the FWD and REV are way out of whack, the output for FWD should have been 5.0 and the Rev should have been near zero... FWD was 0.### and REV was up to 11.###
I think I know what's wrong, but, we'll see...
Arduino/Raspberry Pi Connected SWR Bridge - Part III
Well, time to start experimenting with software, first, the sketch for the Arduino, I found a project here which sort of suited my needs, but since I'm not using the LCD, I ripped out the display code. I'm also going to have to make a couple of other mods.
Here's the Arduino (That's a Sparkfun Redboard to one side) being experimented with. I currently have it set up with a small pot varying the voltages into the analog inputs, and it's working, now to try it with the bridge.
Stay Tuned ( :D )