
Latest Project

So, I asked if anyone could figure out my next project...

Corrected schematic:

Sorry that the connectors are not
quite right, couldn't find any Ac wall
plugs or line cords in Kicad...

Here's a PCB layout...
What is it?

Anyone guess?

 Board etched and tinned, a
coil off to the side...

(Along with my reading glasses, I hate getting old(er)  ;) )

Circuit board complete...

Any ideas yet?

Box with two of the coils mounted...

10 uH each (approximately)

Box is 10" x 10"

Almost there...

Some pretty thick wire...

Generating a signal into the input
and watching the output on a scope.

Input starting at about 100 Hz
and sweeping to about 100 Khz

Here it is...

What is it?

A Brute-Force Line Filter,
Containing a common mode choke.
Hopefully, to help deal with the
cheap switching wall warts which
pollute the airwaves so much. :/

On to the next project (circuit board with toner layout in the last shot.)



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