
When did...

Stop on that red octagonal sign suddenly come to mean stop only if the police are there?
The amber light come to mean put the pedal to the metal?
Yield come to mean mine! Get outta my way?
The red hand on the pedestrian sign come to mean high five, not "Don't walk"?

O.K. here is my naive take on those traffic rules:

Stop means stop/no movement/give way/give it up!

Amber means stop, you lose, next time you go!

Yield means surrender the right of way to other drivers.

The red hand means Don't walk you idiot! Cars are heavy and dangerous, you aren't.

And one more thing; put the damn cell phone down already and concentrate on your driving, stop being a doofous!


Anonymous said...

Oops...guilty on a couple points there. (The amber light and the cell phone issue) My bad!

bullwinkle said...

Tsk, tsk tsk....


If you were Catholic I would be calling for penance... :-)

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