
C. S . Lewis On The Sciences - That Hideous Strength


“The physical sciences, good and innocent
in themselves, had already... begun to be
warped, had been subtly manoeuvred in a
certain direction. Despair of objective truth
had been increasingly insinuated into the
scientists; indifference to it, and a
concentration upon mere power, had been
the result… The very experiences of the
dissecting room and the pathological
laboratory were breeding a conviction that
the stifling of all deep-set repugnances was
the first essential for progress.”

― C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength


That Hideous Strength - C. S. Lewis - The Space Trilogy - Part III

 That Hideous Strength - By C. S. Lewis - The final entry in The Space Trilogy, and the darkest of the three. Lewis weaves quite a tale in these three books, especially the third. Throughout, he mixes in his Christian beliefs, but he also weaves in a healthy helping of fairy tale for good measure. We even get to see a hint at the coming World Economic Forum, the W.E.F. and the evil behind it.

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