It's Good Friday
Today is Good Friday, the day our Savior chose to die for us.
Beaten, spat upon and mocked.
So badly beaten his friends could barely recognize Him.
(Isaiah 52:14)
Flayed with a whip called a Flagrum or a scourge.
Leather thongs with bits of metal woven into the ends.
The Romans also called this a Scorpio, from the word
scorpion. It was a whip with a bite.
It was not unheard of for the Crucifixion victim to die
from the effects of the flagrum and never make it to the cross.
Imagine that, not only the Crucifixion, but first the scourging,
after the scourging, Jesus had to carry His own cross,
packing it on his already ripped up back...
Then, once on the cross, the effect of the scourging
would again come into play. Struggling for air due
to the position the victim was hung in, they would push
themselves up with their legs to pull in air, only to
have the rough wooden cross tear at their already
raw backs, and the nails in the hands and feet
would cause them excruciating pain as well, forcing
them to drop and exhale. Starting the cycle all
over again. Hour, after hour, after hour.
The word excruciating, as in excruciating pain, is
though to come from the word crucifixion, that
gives you some idea of what the Romans thought of
the process, so evil they thought it, even though
they often used it, it was illegal to crucify a Roman
citizen, except under the most extreme of
Think about it, Jesus knew this was the process
but went through with it anyway...
For the sake of His and His Father's creation.
Think about it.
Beaten, spat upon and mocked.
So badly beaten his friends could barely recognize Him.
(Isaiah 52:14)
Flayed with a whip called a Flagrum or a scourge.
Leather thongs with bits of metal woven into the ends.
The Romans also called this a Scorpio, from the word
scorpion. It was a whip with a bite.
It was not unheard of for the Crucifixion victim to die
from the effects of the flagrum and never make it to the cross.
Imagine that, not only the Crucifixion, but first the scourging,
after the scourging, Jesus had to carry His own cross,
packing it on his already ripped up back...
Then, once on the cross, the effect of the scourging
would again come into play. Struggling for air due
to the position the victim was hung in, they would push
themselves up with their legs to pull in air, only to
have the rough wooden cross tear at their already
raw backs, and the nails in the hands and feet
would cause them excruciating pain as well, forcing
them to drop and exhale. Starting the cycle all
over again. Hour, after hour, after hour.
The word excruciating, as in excruciating pain, is
though to come from the word crucifixion, that
gives you some idea of what the Romans thought of
the process, so evil they thought it, even though
they often used it, it was illegal to crucify a Roman
citizen, except under the most extreme of
but went through with it anyway...
For the sake of His and His Father's creation.
Think about it.
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