
Trip down memory lane

Decided to take a trip down memory lane (see what I did there?), stoke the furnace and write some assembly code for the Commodore 64 this past week... 6510 (basically 6502) processor... Trying to recreate, from memory, a program I wrote 30+ years ago...

This is a screen capture of the C64 Rom running on VICE - a Commodore emulator.

In this case, it's running under Mint Linux.

If I ever get this bit of code I am working on completed, I will pop it up here for all (or none) to see.

It is a simple ham radio logbook program.


It's an artist thing :)

You know how some artists are recorded as having a blue period, a cubist period, or a realism period, etc? well, I guess the last couple of years have been my slow period. ;) No real postings in over a year now, wow, well, I'll try harder, be nice to surpass 2012, when I went to Japan and posted a whole bunch.


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CatWalker at 29