
White Vs. Brown (Rice)

Why, Oh why are people so hepped up on brown rice over white rice? I am well aware of "studies" about the health benefits, but folks, I am sorry, I despise brown rice! WHY? I dislike the taste, dislike the texture and I dislike the smell. Eat it if you wish, but I will stick to white, thank you very much. And don't get me started on Basmatti - it ALWAYS smells stale.

Thank you


Some life priciples

I can't grantee the provenance of these, but they are true in my view:

To which I add some more dangers to humanity:

8) Science minus a Christian worldview.
9) Politics solely controlled by the heart.
10) A strictly secular nation.
11) Christianity polluted by secularism.
12) A population focused mainly on self.


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