A Brief Break
Well, it was time for a brief respite from summer heat and soldering bits together, so we went to a fireworks display nearby, it was a nice show, if somewhat short. (I gather a display like this can be somewhat pricey)
The display lasted about ten minutes, lots of the usual flash and bang.
(Yes, these are my photos)

Almost complete
A .036 carbide drill bit in my O*L*D Dremel 370 Moto Tool, I have had this old beast since about 1975 it was a Christmas present from mom and dad. It is still running strong, but doesn't even appear in the "discontinued tools" section of the Dremel web site (neither does the matching drill press stand, for that matter.) This is the smallest drill bit I have ever used.
The drilled and marked board (I decided to see if the toner transfer method would work just as well in putting the parts layout on the board, it did, more - or - less)
The board, just needs a couple of parts I forgot to order (oops)
A note - the tiny little drill bits are F*R*A*G*I*L*E I broke mine (thankfully, I was finished drilling) when I was going to take it out of the moto - tool, I dropped the tool, drill bit and all and it snapped it off....
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