
Studio Lighting Build Part II - Mystery Make - Part III

Alleviating my dark workspace.

Continuing the studio lighting build with a trip to the shop.
This starts with drilling out five sheets of 1/8" aluminum which I
scrounged from a local aluminum boat builder - the grandson of

These lights will have LED strips in them to provide
Cool/neutral/warm white light.

I decided to add a couple of pieces of music to this video:

 Music track: Tech by Aylex
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
Music for Video (Free Download)

Music track: Neo Nebula by Project Ex
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
Background Music for Videos (Free)


The Amish Fined For Not Using The Arrive Can App!

 Ezra Levant reports from Chatsworth, Ontario, where the Trudeau Liberals' bureaucrats have targeted an Amish community with massive, punitive fines for failing to use the ArriveCan travel app — despite the Amish not using smartphones, let alone applications.

If you want to help Ezra battle city hall, click here: Help The Amish


Authoritarianism - Jordan B Peterson

 “I've studied authoritarianism for a very long time - for 40 years - and they're started by people's attempts to control the ideological and linguistic territory.”


Jordan B Peterson




Studio Light Build - Part I (Mystery Make Part II)

Over the last couple of build videos I did, I decided that I need studio lights, badly. So rather than buying them (good ones can be pricey) I decided to make a few, possibly not that much cheaper, but it gives the opportunity to do a build video. The lighting will be provided by white LEDs. No sign of the mystery make in here (yet) but more on it coming soon, but I needed to make these first, so that y'all will be able to see what I'm doing without squinting. In this video, I use Freecad to design parts of the light's structure, and Freecad is primarily about what part 1 of the lighting video is about. Eventually we'll get to assembling the lights, then on to the heat-set insert tool, then onward to the main mystery build.


Star Trek - To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before (?)

In the Mid 1960s, a stately television series did Roddenberry decree.


And at first glance, the universe of Star Trek seems to be utterly fantastic, there's  peace, love, security of the person, everyone has something to do. Everyone has rejected wealth in favor of bettering themselves and the universe. There is a huge fleet of scientific research space craft which double as warships. We've learned to "travel faster than light" and have made friends all over this portion of the galaxy. But there is a dark side to both Star Fleet, and the United Federation of Planets. A dark side many refuse to see, and which many fans would jump all over me for saying. But I'm going to say it anyway.

Money is gone (or is it?)

Christianity is a footnote in history.

There is only one government on Earth.

There is only one government for the UFP

What will the future TRULY be like? I don't think it's what Gene Roddenberry tried to convince us it would be like.


The Bidens - Obvious Elder Abuse.

In my opinion, what we are seeing, what we have been seeing for four years, is some form of Elder Abuse. It became much more obvious from the debate going forward. It's obvious (in my opinion, anyway) what we are seeing is a man suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's disease. He looks like a man who really has no clue where he is. I have despised Biden's politics and attitudes for years, but would not wish this on anyone, not even an enemy. Who is the puppet master here? Who is pulling the strings?


Watch my latest video and see if you agree.


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