

Sometime in 1942, someone decided (I guess) that the dead of Japanese Canadians posed some kind of threat - they bulldozed the Japanese section of the Chemainus cemetery - a disgusting act, in my opinion. I will not debate the merit of the internment of living Japanese Canadians here, you must form your own opinion on that issue.


But the act of desecrating graves, chokes me....
What threat did the dead pose? How were they bothering the fool(s) who did the act? Please don't hit me with "the times were different" a grave is/was a grave. They are not to be desecrated in any way, this held as true then as it does now.




"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." -- Alexander Graham Bell How true is that? じゃまた

Whale Watching

Last Wednesday we went Whale watching in Telegraph Cove, which is about 30 minutes south of Port McNeil. 

We didn't see Orca,but we did see a Humpback Whale, which put on a bit of a show. 



It breached a number of times.
We also saw Porpoise. 











Out with the old:

In with the new: 
This is a recumbent "exercycle" by Bodybreak, as sold by Sears Canada. Supposedly good to 275 pounds (according to Sears) Looking forward to workouts where I don't get pinched or squeezed, and where it doesn't bang, clunk, grind or make all sorts of other noises.









The new exercise bike arrived today (I finally gave up on the old bike which kept breaking, and since the company which made it had gone buhbye - I had to build my own replacement parts.) 

Details later.

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